Winkhaus locking systems support NIS2 conformity for property and building protection

EU regulations will soon also be legally binding in Germany

Telgte – The NIS2 Directive on the protection of critical infrastructure is expected to be transferred into national law by all EU Member States from 17 October 2024. With the blueSmart and blueEvo electronic locking systems from Winkhaus, operators are on the safe side in this regard, as both systems have complied with the requirements of the new regulations since their market launch.

The NIS2 Directive (Network and Information Security Directive) is a revised version of the original European Union NIS Directive, which was first introduced in 2016. It is used to protect against physical attacks and cyberattacks on critical infrastructure such as network and information systems as well as highly critical sectors such as water and energy supply or healthcare. Institutions such as hospitals, energy providers and data centres are obliged to take special precautions to secure supply even in the event of a disaster.

Maximum security with electronic access control
According to the NIS2 Directive, operators must ensure reliable control of all accesses to their premises or buildings at all times. The easiest way to achieve this is through the installation of electronic locking systems that already comply with the requirements of the new directive, like the blueSmart and blueEvo systems from Winkhaus. The blueEvo access control system, which was introduced this year, impresses in particular with its comprehensive security architecture, extensive range of components and intuitively operated hardware and software. Access can be logged using the virtual network environment, i.e. it is possible to determine who has gained access to which area and when.

“For blueEvo, we have developed a security concept in cooperation with renowned experts from the fields of cyber physical systems and security management that reliably protects confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of system and authorisation data throughout,” explains Dr. Volker Brink, Director of Product Management Access Control at Winkhaus.

State-of-the-art security
The new generation of electronic access control systems from Winkhaus offers a high standard of physical security and comprehensive protection of the associated administration software against cyberattacks. Data such as access authorisations are stored both in the access control centres and in the blueEvo Virtual Network Hubs. Both components guarantee autonomous functionality for a period of 31 days in exceptional situations, such as a network connection failure or a server crash.

The rapid adaptation of access authorisations – for example in the event of employees leaving the company, lost keys or other changes to identification – protects against unauthorised access thanks to state-of-the-art encryption technologies. Seamless tracking of visitor flows in companies and buildings is also guaranteed.

Free white paper download
Winkhaus has published a comprehensive white paper on the NIS2 Directive. It explains the importance of the regulations for access control in companies and public institutions. A checklist helps to identify potential risks regarding physical safety requirements. It also shows possible solutions for regulating physical access in accordance with the NIS2 Directive using electronic access control. The white paper is available to download free of charge at

The press release and high-resolution images can be downloaded from our press portal at

The NIS2 Directive covers seven critical and eleven highly critical sectors, including water, energy and healthcare.

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