Access Control

Locking technology of the future

Our modern smart technologies and services are made to make life easier. They can control who is allowed to enter the building and at what time providing high levels of security. Winkhaus was and is the market leader for these solutions and offer both electronic and mechanical access control systems. Both our systems focus on the quality, durability and ease of use. Our highly qualified sales force also develops an overall concept tailored to your specific building – be it a single-family home or a company you want to secure. After all, we have decades of experience in knowing what users want and how to optimally combine their wishes with today’s requirements for security and flexibility.

Mechanical Access Control

Winkhaus mechanical locking systems have a long tradition and have always stood for high levels of functional safety, user-friendly convenience and reliable protection. Our mechanical technologies can be used for a range of buildings from individual entrance or apartment doors to larger offices and buildings.

mechanische Zutrittsorgansiation alle Schlüssel

Electronic Access Control

Flexibility, ease of use and functional security are all elements that have been combined to produce our intelligent blueEvo, blueSmart and blueCompact locking systems. Thanks to many years of experience and precise improvements, our solutions are considered to be technologically mature, suitable for a long service life and are very easy to scale. They enable effective locking system management and can be incorporated into current systems via interfaces.

elektronische Zutrittsorganisation elektronische Zylinder


We offer a modular system of software packages for the management of electronic locking systems. Winkhaus software sets itself apart by its high user-friendliness, user-friendly menu navigation and many options for individual solutions – from the starter package to blueControl Professional: the perfect solution for every application.
